Length Conversion Calculator

Need to convert between meters, feet, inches, yards, and more? Using our free online length converter allows you to quickly and accurately convert between metric and imperial units for free without any signup.

Unit Converter

100 cm

How to Use the Length Converter?

  1. Enter the value in the input box.
  2. Select the unit you want to convert from.
  3. Choose the target unit for conversion.
  4. Instantly see the converted value!

Supported Length Units

✔ Meters (m) – Standard unit of length in the metric system.

✔ Feet (ft) – Commonly used in the U.S. for height and distance.

✔ Inches (in) – Ideal for small measurements and DIY projects.

✔ Centimeters (cm) – Used in scientific and medical measurements.

✔ Millimeters (mm) – Great for precision measurements.

✔ Kilometers (km) – Best for long-distance conversions.

✔ Miles (mile) – Used for road distances in the U.S. and UK.

✔ Yards (yd) – Often used in textiles, landscaping, and sports.